
Storyteller Supply is the creation of a solitary witch named Tara the Bard who enjoys witchy practices (and the corresponding witchy aesthetic), and knows that storytelling is a sacred practice. As a practitioner, tarot card reader, analog game designer, and marketer, Tara has first-person proof that storytelling is a critical survival skill.
Imagine a small village thousands of years before the common era. While villagers celebrate the leadership of the chieftain, the prowess of the huntress, and the humanity of the healer, there is another crucial member of the community: the storyteller.
The storytellers inhabit those hours of darkness, accompanied by the moon or not, gripping a comforting cup of whiskey or tea as they spin tales. These stories, however, did not belong to the tellers alone, but to the people. Prior to the ability to write (as we can on this blog), villages, regions, and entire cultures passed news and stories on through spoken language only, and thus, collaborative stories were born.
Therein lies the magic; the survival of one’s legacy; the making of a movement.
Storyteller Supply Values
In this community, we believe in:
- Safety and inclusion: We are not perfect and cannot be, but we strive for inclusion;
- Personal sovereignty: Each person should make all choices for themselves and their own bodies;
- Self-expression as empowerment and magic;
- Welcoming international community members;
- Avoiding appropriation of closed practices and marginalized cultures/people;
- Not pushing “one right way” on others and no “well actuallying,” mansplaination, or witchsplaining;
- Science and consulting doctors for medical and mental health issues when we have access;
- Healthcare, living wage, and housing as human rights;
- Respecting the environment and making small and large changes to improve our relationship with it;
- Being true to ourselves, but serving the community as we are able.