How to Create Your Own Sigil for Empowerment

Sigils are a symbolic representation of a specific desire, created from an initial statement of intent and rendered down to visual or audible form. The sigil is then implanted into one’s subconscious mind using a method that creates a state of gnosis (‘no-mind).

Here is a step-by-step guide to making sigils:

Determine Expectation

Make it a positive one. Utilize no regrettable words. The psyche brain will grasp positive goals.

For example, I WILL SEE Somebody WEARING PURPLE SHOES. Try to avoid utilizing words like ‘need’ or ‘want.’ Those words are simple “wishes.” You maintain that your psyche should WILL something into being.

Cross Out Rehashing Letters

If you’re using letters in your sigil, “P” can be viewed as in “R,” so you can cross out “P.” “N” can be seen as in “W,” so you can cross out “N.” “M” and “W” are a similar letter so you can cross one of them out. “L” can be viewed as “H.” You are then left with ‘WSEOAGRUH.’ Many people will utilize one goal: “I WILL Get EXTRA MONEY.” WOBTAEXRY’ the “Y” could be in “X,” contingent upon your composing style.

This is only one way to do it — when it comes to how to make a sigil for empowerment, your intuition will best guide you.

Get Imaginative

Draw an image or picture utilizing every letter. Have a go at concealing the ‘WSEOAGRUH’ inside the picture. You can make the image using letters. You can turn them in the way you need. You can find a variety or paint them if you wish.

It will be YOUR very own picture, so you can get imaginative with it in any capacity you like. If you don’t want to invest that much energy in it, that is fine. You can jot down an irregular-looking image if you need. The main thing that matters is that you make it yourself and add every one of the letters.

Fire It Off

Right now is an ideal opportunity to “fire the sigil off” or “charge it.” By doing this, you ensure it leaves an engraving on your psyche mind. To fire it off, you should take a gander at the sigil in a daze, gnostic state. It may be precarious because many individuals are deciding how to approach being in a condition of gnosis.

After you’ve charged your sigil, it’s up to you what you do with it: some will prefer to destroy or drop it, while others leave it and recharge it for continued use. A protection sigil on a door, for example, is one you might want to leave in place. Knowing your will and executing it will help you with how to create a sigil for empowerment.

Take someone who creates a sigil to earn a promotion within their workplace. Are they reconfiguring the universe’s mechanics so that this occurrence is brought about, or are they merely using an elaborate psychological ploy to change their thoughts (and, therefore, actions) so that they become the type of person who can earn a promotion? Configure your sigil creation ritual to your own beliefs on this matter.

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